Are you with us or against us?

Immigrants.  Terrorists.  East.  West.  Them.  Us.

This short video made me think again …



So which are you –

You decide.



2 thoughts on “Are you with us or against us?

  1. Those who grasp evolution understand how and why we’re all cousins. Literally. What’s more, we all share the same uninterrupted singular life expressed billions of ways from the same singular twig on a very large tree of life. This allows us to better understand not only our place within the framework of this tree of life but really grasp and take to heart that the reasons for differences with our immediate kin has very little to do with our shared biology compared to how we are socialized and categorized and organized by frameworks of identity that others import to us during our development. By believing these frameworks are true, we empower them. Although we have no power to alter our related biology, we really do have all the power to alter the rest should we so choose. This understanding is tremendously freeing and empowering. And it brings ownership of who and what we are right back to its source where it properly belongs. Within each of us.


    • Hi Tildeb, thank you.
      “What’s more, we all share the same uninterupted singular life expressed billions of ways from the same singular twig on a very large tree of life.”
      You write great word pictures.
      “And it brings ownership of who and what we are right back to where it properly belongs. Within each of us.”
      You write much sense.
      We have much in common.


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