And so to icebergs …



Biff and bash.  On a daily basis there must be a trillion words written by believers and non-believers.  Most of them predictable.  Most of them ungracious.  Most of them dehumanising the very humans they claim to humanise.

Christians.  Muslims.  Jews (and all the “major faiths”).  Deconverts.  Atheists.  Unchurched (and all the “non-believers”).  Fundies.  Evangelicals.  Secularists.  Sects (and all the labels that we throw around like confetti).

This morning … the bible attacked as out-of-date and no-longer-relevant – and the bible illuminated as the only Truth worth knowing.  I see those who shop only for “their brand” – who would never switch brand – who believe their brand is the only brand worth putting in your trolley.

And then fail miserably when it comes to identifying “their brand” in a blind-tasting – confused by the sameness of “different brands” – often brands considered “cheap and inferior” – the same “brands” I would NEVER put in my OWN trolley (when I am eyes-wide-open).

And that’s the truth!

I find that truth comforting.  That we believe buy with (self) brainwashed-brains.  But all it takes is a blindfold and one tray of alternatives to admit that we haven’t a clue – nor can explain why we cling to our brand – or how we “promise to change” (the next time we go shopping).

I find that truth comforting because Love Without Condition is at the heart of all these belief-brands – something we forget in the habit-loyalty to our own belief brand.


And so to icebergs …



Why is the visible tip of these different “belief icebergs” ALWAYS populated by the loud and noisy.  The noise of inhumanity.  The loud of dogma.  The belief brand of correctness much more than love.  The teaching-preaching by believers of “belief brands” AND the teaching-preaching by believers of “non-belief belief brands” that is ALWAYS the same … that THEY own Truth ONLY to be found in THEIR belief brand truth.

And, just as icebergs were once connected to the glacial mass but still remain connected through their origin of ice … So too these preachers-teachers of truth – who remain connected to the human-race and this planet, yet choose  to “self-identify” as different – to have found the exclusive (and only) Truth

(along with a trillion exclusive “Truths” if one could count them all)

Love is what connects us all.  Love without condition.  The only Love there is.

(or should be).



I wonder what this world could be if we were to look around with Love at those who march to a different beat.  Whether we would see through the eyes of Love a diversity of rhythms with one binding beat at their heart.

The heartbeat of Love Without Condition …



That cranky old fossil we poke fun at – someone who was a baby and then a curious toddler and then a rebellious teenager and then an aspiring conforming adult and then a respected specialist and then a father and a lover of his own creations and then an aging tired human and then a lonely yearning frustrated elder.



That strident mouthpiece of correctness and virtue – idolised and vilified – loved and feared.  Someone who was a baby and then a curious toddler and then a rebellious teenager and then an aspiring conforming adult and then a respected specialist and who is or yet may be a father and a lover of his/her own creation and then an aging tired human quietly living a life like all others.



That invisible faceless passer-by we don’t even see as we hurry hither and thither who was a baby and then a curious toddler and then a rebellious teenager and then an aspiring conforming adult and then a respected specialist and who may be a mother/father and a lover of his/her own creation and then an aging tired human now just another invisible faceless passer-by.



We are all of the same origin and we all have a story to tell.  A story of humanity and love – of change and change again – of love sought and given (and often now lost and yearned for again).

The truth is that these “truths” are of the same origin.  Each is of Love (just now wrapped tightly within chains-ropes we know as “belief brands”) – “love” that we are in the habit of calling Love (with a ton of transaction-conditions).

And that’s not the heartbeat of Love at all.

